"You can go ahead and let me drown now."
Hi there. It's a beautiful Tuesday afternoon. Sort of. The sky is very gray...

I've been having an Avatar: The Last Airbender marathon for 5 hours now. I must mention it, since it was the only show I've been watching since the beginning of summer break, other than Ghost Whisperer.

"My cabbages!"
What I love so much about it is that everything about it is so ancient Chinese, yet it's all American. For once, something Japanese-worthy belongs to us. And for a while, I actually thought it was Japanese, and the shows I watched were just English dubs. Other things I love about it is the clothes. Omigod, THE CLOTHES. They are so beautiful and unique and creative. I want to dress like that! I just love the different styles and colors unique to each nation, especially the Fire Nation. I usually don't like the color red, I think it can be too distracting and obnoxious, but the Fire Nation clothes are burgundy colored instead of fire engine-red or something bright like that.
And the music is amazing. I love it so much. I'll sit through the end credits just to listen to the music.
I remember when this show first came out, I was eight. I went to a private school, and my friend, Brianna, liked to watch it a lot, along with me. Well, I knew about it, but I didn't watch it that much. She actually had the DVD, so she was obviously a bigger fan than me. From her I also discovered Miyazaki films.
I love this show. I have to see all 3 seasons. I MUST buy the entire series.
Or else Zuko will turn his angst on me.

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