Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"let's give the pasta a little swirly-whirly"

(Above: Jamie at Home)

I'm so sorry! I haven't been posting since the day before graduation. (ok, I know there aren't many people visiting this blog, so it's kind of like I'm talking to myself. the only person that visits this place is bloodyawfulpoetry, who is TOTALLY AWESOME for even acknowledging my existence! visit her blog; it's a million times more awesome then mine.)

I started this post around a week ago, but most of it is written on June 28.
At graduation, I wore high heels.

I would show a picture, but I'm embarrassed to ask someone to take a picture of my feet. Or to take a picture of my own feet.

Okay, more about graduation: we wore the gowns the ugliest shade of yellow ever, sat down for a long time, and got fake diplomas. (we had to get our real diplomas afterwards. don't ask me why.)

But something that really sucked was when the teachers called out the names of the kids receiving their diplomas. I don't know how it started, but the kids that weren't getting their diplomas -that were sitting down- decided to make it into a popularity contest and clap for only those they liked. So, certain kids that weren't extremely well known were only met by silence. That's the most terrible thing ever. I mean, it's graduation. Give them a break! Clap for everybody. It's not that freakin' hard. It is beyond me why the kids at my school -oops, I mean EX school- are so incredibly shallow and egotistical. Maybe it's just L.A.

So, that was it. Graduation isn't really that great. At least when it's middle school.

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