Tuesday, June 8, 2010

pink + green = WATERMELON

Hello. It's almost summer and it's hot. And it's not 7:00 yet.

The other day, my dad and I went to Trader Joe's. It was pretty necessary, since we had no milk. And I had nothing to dunk my vegan cookies in. We found a parking spot and were about to get out.

Then, I saw this lady with, I think, PINK tights and GREEN boots. And maybe a blue shirt. The point is, she was wearing this combination of colors: blue pink and green. And it was simple. I mean- COME ON! If your going to wear those colors together, you need to make it complicated in some way, so that you can be fully spontaneous as you're obviously trying to be. I guess she was too lazy to be creative.

And, she was, of course, shopping at Trader Joe's. Of course! Yes, I dress like this because I am part of the "indie" scene and are, therefore, all wholesome and organic and a vegetarian. I am also "fashionable".

No, you are not.

And plus, when I saw her inside, she had wine in her shopping basket. Wine! No, no. Color-blind indie poseurs do NOT buy wine. Don't try to be indie. They are not alcohol maniacs like the rest of the world. They are different and ingenious and innovative. So, bleh.

Wow this was a short rant. FLAME OFF

So, that's it. Yes, I get frustrated at the smallest things.

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