Thursday, June 10, 2010

imagine all the people, browsing in a mall. isn't that weird?

Ever since reading Tavi's "About Me" description, I've wanted to see Daria. And just last night, I finally did.

I thought it was amazing, and exactly like something Tavi would watch. The theme song and title sequence were cozy and inviting, promising clever dialogue and intelligence. And it did. At least, the first episode did. And the second episode. Then, as I saw more and more, progressing into the seasons, I became more and more unattached from that world of Invader Zim-style psychotic teachers and surprising humor.

When I saw the episode "Through a Lens Darkly", I was confused. I thought that Daria was too incapable of real human feelings to EVER feel insecure about anything. I mean, come on, she's really deadpan and monotonous all the time. Her tone of voice makes her seem apathetic and really inhuman. It's too contradictory.

And to muddle me even more, I saw the last episode of season 4, where she even kissed a boy. Are you serious? If I can't even imagine her to be anything like a normal, hormonic teenager, then how unrealistic is this show? Everything about her, her voice, her face, her outfit, it all screams I REFUSE CONFLICT WITH THE MALE ANTONYM. I think the show's screenwriters really messed up.

And plus, I think the show's atmosphere changes. Now, I don't like her voice. It's become too monotonous. And then the show's artists showed her and that boy kissing... ugh, weird. That is definitely a show for teenagers.

I think Daria is putting me in a world I don't want to be in. Like, some kind of screwed up, King of the Hill, beaten up car world. Yeah. Beaten up car. With duct tape on the polyester seats. And too much orange. Like prison uniform orange.

I might stop watching it.

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