Friday, April 30, 2010

tommorow's post

The theme of the Dark Knight is... you may destroy individuals, but you cannot destroy the community as a whole. (may not be right.)

I saw that movie yesterday. It was tremendous. (and, yes, it was the fourth time i saw it.) The lines may be corny, but they're corny in a good way. The acting was great, of course. And I realized how much Christian Bale reminds me of Kevin Richardson.

I also want to include that I finally got to eat fried ice cream. It was delicious, everything I thought it would be. It was served in a pool of strawberry puree, which made it entirely.

Then, I went to the library and checked out some... Japanese comic books! (oh yeah.) They were Princess Ai and Et Cetera. Plus, I got a manga because of the cover: the person had pretty eyes. (it turned out to be very boring. oh well, at least the girl had pretty eyes.) I also wanted to check out Cherry Juice but they didn't have any. (i wanted to see the fashions. aha, dork.)

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