Friday, April 30, 2010

tommorow's post

The theme of the Dark Knight is... you may destroy individuals, but you cannot destroy the community as a whole. (may not be right.)

I saw that movie yesterday. It was tremendous. (and, yes, it was the fourth time i saw it.) The lines may be corny, but they're corny in a good way. The acting was great, of course. And I realized how much Christian Bale reminds me of Kevin Richardson.

I also want to include that I finally got to eat fried ice cream. It was delicious, everything I thought it would be. It was served in a pool of strawberry puree, which made it entirely.

Then, I went to the library and checked out some... Japanese comic books! (oh yeah.) They were Princess Ai and Et Cetera. Plus, I got a manga because of the cover: the person had pretty eyes. (it turned out to be very boring. oh well, at least the girl had pretty eyes.) I also wanted to check out Cherry Juice but they didn't have any. (i wanted to see the fashions. aha, dork.)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

the flavor of brown

Ah, a great day. Mostly because it was Friday. Plus, since my dad was sorry for picking me up late (he was getting gas), he took me out for lunch. I ate at a thai restaurant in Sunland, called My Thai. We asked for coconut shrimp and coconut chicken soup. My dad ordered some brown rice to go with the soup, but I objected. (i don't like brown rice. although, i don't know why. probably because it tastes like brown.) We got it anyway. Afterward, we had planned to get the flame-fried ice cream, but my dad said he was too full. He promised we would get it on Thursday. I'll be dying until then.

On our way home, we stopped at the library. Since I had been craving it, I checked out the movie Breakfast as Tiffany's. It was all I remembered it to be. Paul Varjak and Holly Golightly's romance is the only one I can seem to agree on. (in fact, I agree on all her romances.) I also like it because it doesn't include any random making out or explicitness. Okay, maybe there was making out, but in this movie, it's called kissing. And it wasn't random.

Yes, I love this movie. I cried for the third time I've seen it. It's so charming. And Audrey Hepburn has class and character that we will never find anywhere else. If you manage to, then give me a call. Or leave a comment.

"You know those days when you get the mean reds?"
"The mean reds, you mean like the blues?"
"No. The blues are because you're getting fat and maybe it's been raining too long, you're just sad that's all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of. Do you ever get that feeling?"
"Well, when I get it the only thing that does any good is to jump in a cab and go to Tiffany's. Calms me down right away. The quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there. If I could find a real-life place that'd make me feel like Tiffany's, then - then I'd buy some furniture and give the cat a name!"

Monday, April 26, 2010

half psychotic, sick, hypnotic

(Click on it. Her eyes look really cool.)
Today, I had a very flavorful bowl of canned chicken noodle soup. It was probably flavorful since I forgot about it and left it in the pot too long. I do that a lot, so I have flavorful noodle soup a lot.

I finally finished my book report on the Grapes of Wrath. I was up until 3:00 am last night, mostly because I had to draw my title cover. I'm really sleepy right now, but I'm too lazy to go to sleep (that was a paradox). Plus, I have to do my homework, which I'm too lazy to do (that makes more sense). I also don't want to stop listening to Just Dance.

So, I have to go. I need to wash the dishes. Meanwhile...

click on it.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

coconut is the new vanilla

I was finally able to eat at my favorite thai place (or one of them), Thai Taste. Since I did something good in... something (I forget), my dad took me to anywhere I wanted. I said Thai Taste, since I hadn't been there in ages. I would eat there all the time up until I was 8. Since then, we have fallen by the wayside.

I ordered their orange chicken, because I remember I loved it. They make it crispy, so it's much better. I wish I had chosen something else, like shrimp, or coconut soup. I wasn't actually in the mood for it. I just thought I was. At the end of our meal, I wanted something that wouldn't make me want to barf, so I ordered dessert. They only had 3 choices, and I ordered the coconut ice cream, since it sounded the least... weird. It was really good. I was happy to finally get something that I actually liked.

Check out the performance of Nobody by the Wonder Girls. It's really cute.

Also, watch the tuzki version. It's pretty cute, but the dancing is not as great. The song quality is better, though.

seriously, i love this song

... and why is Aaron Johnson engaged to a 43 year old woman?!

So, here I am, listening to Dead and Gone by T.I., and I just learned that Aaron Johnson, the star of the new movie Kick-Ass, is getting married (or already is) to this director named Sam Taylor Wood... who is 43 years old. I mean, are you serious? And she is pregnant with their first child! He is NINETEEN! Not only is he in a seriously twisted movie, he is with a lady who is twice his age. More than twice his age! I just don't know what is wrong with this world. Maybe we should all die in 2012.

I'm just listening to all my favorite songs, trying to wash all the pain away. This song is great. I don't care if the lyrics are explicit, I'll listen to it nevertheless. It's definitely better than perverted British boys getting with 40-year-old hags. (I apologize for my wording. It just couldn't be avoided.)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

it's very cold today

Hello. Right now I'm typing up an essay for history. Well, not right now. Right now I'm typing this post.

My essay is on the Mexican-American War. Were James Polk's or Henry Clay's views correct? It should be pretty easy, since I wrote a bajillion note cards on it. I didn't find out it was due until today. I should really be working on it now. But I'm not. This is more important. I should also be washing the dishes...

Anyway, I have been feeling pretty bored this week. It's as if my life is going at a lull. Nothing seems fun anymore (except music. but, that's always fun). I need something to take me out of this funk.

I know this is random, but once I thought of installing a view counter, even though I only had, like, 11 posts. I decided against it, since the only person who views this blog is probably me. I look at it every time I write a post. You know, when it says View Post. Plus, I like to click on things, to make all my links purple.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Up until 2nd period, I somehow thought that a jelly fish was a combination of a jellybean and a fish.

This picture kind of reminds me of Su from Love-Hina. Doesn't it? Well, if you're a fan.

Today, I

uh, oh crap. that wasn't the one I meant to click on.

Friday, April 16, 2010

a slightly retarded post

One of my eyebrows is higher than the other. Either that, or I hold my head at a tilt.

Hello! It's Micci, back from... school.

The other day, I saw the movie The Prestige. It was GREAT. It's just so creepy, and hard to understand... I LOVE IT! The cover said "You'll want to see it again once it's over," and it's so true. I totally did not get anything while I was watching it (I had to read the Wikipedia article), but at the end, it kind of came together. I need to see it again.

So, that's it. Sorry for the stupid post. I just have to keep you updated.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i STILL really need to use the bathroom

I need to use the bathroom so bad my knees are hurting.

i really need to use the bathroom

Right now, I have anxiety. I am very worried about the presentation I am doing in English tomorrow. Our teacher was saying how our posters were very good, and she hoped our presentations would be just as great, which of course puts a ton of pressure on me. I haven't memorized what I'm going to say, since I'm lazy, and I have a lot of stuff to memorize. I need to memorize Claude Monet's entire life, and I don't even remember when he was born. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy, but I haven't thought about this stuff for two weeks. Plus, I plagiarized a lot. Don't give me that look! It's not like she should expect us to actually work on something that has nothing to do with English. And she doesn't have the right to make us do a mind-numbing presentation on it.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

something to keep you happy

While you're waiting for my vacation story (although you probably don't care. is there even anyone out there?), I have something for you! It's a series of videos I found on Youtube last summer called "Simon's Cat". They're about a cat who constantly causes trouble for his owner (I know it's quite a negative way to view it, but aren't all cats like that?). It's really adorable, and terribly funny. And whoever did the sound deserves an award in cuteness.

Here's the link.

Monday, April 5, 2010


I just got back from my vacation! It was really long (10 days!) but really fun! I spent my spring break in Hawaii (the big island) and I got back on Sunday. Our flight came in at 10:00 pm, and we got home at midnight. I didn't get to go to sleep until 3:00, because I had to balance 110 chemical equations for a science assignment. So, now I'm really tired. I would go to sleep, but I need to do my homework.

I'll tell you about my vacation, but later. When I get my pictures from the camera uploaded into the computer. I want to tell my stories with pictures! (wow, so many exclamation points. i sound like a perky 16-year-old)