Tuesday, February 23, 2010

uranium science project

Hello. I'm posting this at 10:00 at night because I was too busy watching curling on the Olympics to pay some attention to my new blog.

So I turned in my uranium project today. It was really heavy and awkward, and it wouldn't stop moving. I'm so glad I have 1st period science. I thought it looked horrible, but my friend really liked it. She thought it was really impressive, since it was so big. I hope my science teacher likes it, since I worked so hard on it. (well, actually I only spent 5 hours on it, but it was really hard to do!)

I also have to do a powerpoint presentation on uranium tommorow. Our teacher is going to pick us at random to present. I hate doing presentations. I always get all nervous and queasy before I do them. I just hate how everyone is STARING at you without any expression, and you get pressured to be really exciting and fun and entertaining. That's usually why people mumble their speeches and don't make eye contact during their presentations. However, I always manage to look up, although I usually just stare at a table, or the overhead. There's also the problem with speaking loudly enough. I don't mean to, but sometimes I just speak really quietly. Oh well. The classroom will be really quiet, since nobody will be talking, so there probably won't be a problem with that.

Gosh, I hate school. I can't wait until the weekend. The world will become sunny again.

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