Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday morning

(Above: Nelson and Napoleon by kedemel)

Yay, it's Sunday! But I have to go to school tomorrow...

Yesterday, I went to the Science Center. It was the first I had been there in about a year! I used to go there so many times on field trips at my elementary school. Now I don't go there that often...

It was pretty much the same as I remembered it, but they were doing a lot of repairs, so there were many things missing. That was pretty disappointing, but the rest was really cool. I got to see things like a preserved elephant heart (which is huge, by the way), a solar powered car, and surgery theater (which would probably gross anyone else out, but I watch Discovery Health).

Anyway, I really need to go, since my mom told me to make my bed about 20 minutes ago, and I still didn't do it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

who killed amanda palmer? oh wait, i did.

It's so late...and I'm tired.

At first, I thought I couldn't stand Amanda Palmer, then I realized that I actually don't. Maybe I was just mad that she decided to marry Neil Gaiman, or that her band got to be in a music video with Panic at the Disco, which I expected to be stupid, but turned out pretty good. She manages to annoy me by being awesome. I think that's called jealousy.

So, even though I like her, I still hate it when people say how much they like her. It's a love/hate relationship.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

lovely day today

I presentated today. I was less nervous than I thought I would be, but I felt like a dork doing it. And the fact that everyone was staring blankly didn't help. It made me feel like I was incredibly boring. But, at least I got it over with. I feel incredibly relieved I don't have to worry about it anymore. The weekend seems much closer now than before.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

uranium science project

Hello. I'm posting this at 10:00 at night because I was too busy watching curling on the Olympics to pay some attention to my new blog.

So I turned in my uranium project today. It was really heavy and awkward, and it wouldn't stop moving. I'm so glad I have 1st period science. I thought it looked horrible, but my friend really liked it. She thought it was really impressive, since it was so big. I hope my science teacher likes it, since I worked so hard on it. (well, actually I only spent 5 hours on it, but it was really hard to do!)

I also have to do a powerpoint presentation on uranium tommorow. Our teacher is going to pick us at random to present. I hate doing presentations. I always get all nervous and queasy before I do them. I just hate how everyone is STARING at you without any expression, and you get pressured to be really exciting and fun and entertaining. That's usually why people mumble their speeches and don't make eye contact during their presentations. However, I always manage to look up, although I usually just stare at a table, or the overhead. There's also the problem with speaking loudly enough. I don't mean to, but sometimes I just speak really quietly. Oh well. The classroom will be really quiet, since nobody will be talking, so there probably won't be a problem with that.

Gosh, I hate school. I can't wait until the weekend. The world will become sunny again.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, the armpit of the week

Today was just another boring day at school (they all are.) I have to finish a science project that I ended up not doing until the last minute. At first I was like, "I will totally not procrastinate on this!", and then I procrastinated. Right now I'm pasting colorful pom-poms onto the nucleus of the uranium atom I am making.

I wouldn't have picked uranium had I realized we would be making a model of it. I mean, they told us we would make a model of an atom of our choice and then they told us to pick an atom from the periodic table. How did I not realize that? I'm such an idiot.

They didn't even tell us when it was due. 2 weeks ago they told us we had THREE weekends to do it, so I assumed it would be due on the first of March, then they said it was due next Tuesday last Wednesday, which only gave me one more weekend when I was supposed to get 2 more. Liars.

I can't wait until summer vacation.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

yay a blog

Hi! My name is Micci and I have decided to start a blog. I know it's quite late, since everyone else already has one, and are quite experienced in the art of blogging. I just decided to get a blog suddenly and that was that. Since I tend to think of my life in blog form, I decided it was adequate that I actually start one.

Anyway, here you go.