Monday, September 13, 2010

i am shutting down

I've decided to never write on this blog again. I know I wasn't much, but now at least I never will be!

I guess I should explain what caused this. Well, you see, IT WAS EXPOSED. Some particular member of my family *COUGH*my mom*COUGH* found out about this blog, and it just wasn't ready. It needed some years or so to adjust to society. Yeah. ADJUST. What with all my three comments and such.

Anyways, I felt really bad and uncomfortable. I was pretty upset when I found out. I threatened her, with a knife of tears, that I would delete it. She was shocked, and urged me urgently not to. She said she would never read it again, if it upsetted me that much.

I, however, don't care. It's something that cannot be forgotten or forgiven. People can still find it, and read it, but I will not write on it anymore.

Farewell, no one.